The brand new real time physics editing tools allow players to tune physics ‘on-the-fly’ to take their simulation’s performance even further. Our physics use a variety of configurable inputs such as engine powers, train weight and rolling resistance whilst taking into account factors like track gradient, curve resistance and track adhesion for each train car when accelerating or decelerating. So when people tell you “you have to buy lots of DLC” remind them that the choice is theirs, with plenty of high quality free routes and content available on the DLS. There are now well over 10,000 routes available on the Trainz Download Station (DLS) that you can download for free and enjoy.
All the tools to build your own railroadare included, and in fact, every route you see in Trainz is created by customers just like you. But the real power of Trainz comes with all the extra things you can do beyond the builtin-in content set. Sure there are hundreds of locos and dozens of routes and sessions you can drive in the Platinum Edition Bundle.
Trainz: A New Era is far more than a train simulator.